BW NICE Internship Guidelines

What is involved in an internship?

College students in certain majors are eligible to enter into an internship for credit. Generally, the student will commit to completion of an internship or project within a business organization, a non-profit organization or a governmental agency. Students usually plan to complete their internship during the 6th or 7th semesters or the summer before the final year of courses.

Student Requirements

While programs vary from college to college and even from major to major, the following are general student requirements:

  • Submit a resume and cover letter to the employer.
  • Complete an interview with the employer.
  • Commit approximately 100-150 hours to the internship. This includes site meetings, training hours, events, virtual meetings and time spent on analyzing or writing reports.
  • Students generally keep a journal and a time log. They are required to submit reports back to a college supervisor.
  • Students are evaluated by their college supervisor and their site supervisor.
  • Students receive up to 3 credits for completion of the internship.

Employer Requirements

  • Submit a job description for the internship to the college.
  • Assign a specific supervisor for the intern.
  • Less than 20% of the work should be basic clerical tasks.
  • Maintain regular weekly contact with the intern.
  • Complete evaluations midway and at the end of the semester.


Employers must comply with all federal employment laws applicable to internships at the current standard. The U.S. Department of Labor has outlined six criteria for determining trainee/learner status (whether a person is an employee entitled to minimum wage or is a trainee/learner):

  1. Interns cannot displace regular employees and work under close observation.
  2. Interns are not guaranteed a job at the end of the internship (though employers may decide to hire student interns at the conclusion of the experience).
  3. Interns are not entitled to wages during the internship.
  4. Interns must receive training from the company or organization, even if it impedes work.
  5. Interns must receive hands-on experience similar to that in a vocational school.
  6. An internship must primarily benefit the student intern, not the company.

If all six guidelines are met, the student intern does not need to receive monetary compensation.

  • BW NICE interns are not paid.
  • Breakfast meeting fees are covered by the chapters.

How to Apply for an Intern

If you are interested in hiring an intern for your chapter, request an intern.


    For questions contact:
    Dr. Carol-Anne Minski
    BW NICE Director Corporate Mentor and Internship Programs